Please, Advise Me On This Money Matter!

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill | Please, Advise Me On This Money Matter!
A friend of mine visited me at home some time ago while I was reading Think And Grow Rich.  Remember it?  That wonderful book of nuggets by Napoleon Hill of blessed memory?

As the guy was watching me reading the book voraciously, he suddenly chuckled viciously, and asked: “Why are you wasting your precious time reading this type of book of lies?  Is the writer himself rich?”

Napoleon Hill | Please, Advise Me On This Money Matter!
Napoleon Hill headshot, courtesy Wikipedia

I wasn’t surprised at his foolhardiness because many Nigerians do not believe that anybody could read a book of any type and become rich with the knowledge derived from it.

It is also on record that some comedians in Nigeria tell some scathing jokes that belittle those who sell such books.

A few weeks ago, I made use of just one of the principles contained in Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich and it worked for me.

When that same friend of mine, the one who had condemned Think And Grow Rich, discovered that I had just made some money for myself, he visited me in the office, during which he begged me to help him with some money.

I was prepared to grant him his request on the grounds that he would go home and read Think And Grow Rich, which he had earlier condemned.

My aim of offering him that life-changing condition was to enable him learn how to catch the proverbial fish, instead of begging for fish whenever he was hungry of fish.

I gave him that condition with all amount of sincerity, but he saw my motive from another perspective.

Consequent upon that, his countenance began to change negatively, suggesting that he had been upset by my condition.

Guess what he did next?

He looked at me scornfully and said: “If that is your condition for giving me the money, then, keep your money with you.”

Immediately after that funny reaction, he turned his back at me and left my house, without saying a goodbye.

Was I wrong trying to give him a fish, as well as to teach him how to catch a fish? If he later comes back for the money, should I give it to him?

Please, advise me. Don’t be afraid or shy to tell me where I erred, so that I can correct myself in the future.

Please, Advise Me On This Money Matter!

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